Permaculture pioneer, elder, educator and author, Ross Mars, was recognised for his work in developing accredited Permaculture training courses at the recent Australian Permaculture Convergence in Mt Barker, South Australia.
Ross was one of only five award recipients Australia-wide to be recognised as an “Innovator and Changemaker” for his contribution to the Permaculture community. He was the first person to develop all courses from Certificate 1 through to Diploma, all of which are now delivered in WA.
He also developed teaching materials to permit Certificate 1 and 2 to be offered as VET programs in high schools. Students from eight schools now learn about Permaculture as part of their secondary education.
All of us at the Ecovillage congratulate Ross for this achievement and recognition. The community is lucky to have such an incredible well of knowledge to draw on. Ross held a well-attended ‘Show and Tell’ for the Witchcliffe Permaculture Group at his “Permaculture Paradise” in Cluster 2A, which is now for sale through Village Homes Realty.