On the 16th of November, the owners of the Cluster 3D Agricultural lots came together for the first time for their strata AGM and handover from the Ecovillage team. There was excellent attendance, a delicious quiche, and much discussion as they took their first steps as an independent survey strata company. All but one of our Ag Lot owners is an existing Ecovillage property owner, so they are already well known to us and each other.
Curious Babydoll Sheep keeping the grass down
We began with a round-the-table discussion of the exciting ventures currently being explored by owners, including:
- Market garden
- Flower farm
- Apiculture
- Permaculture education
- Demonstration farm
- Native plant nursery
- Truffled oaks
- Chestnuts
- Berry Farm
- Permaculture and syntropic food forests
- Small scale chickens/ducks/guinea fowl
- Heritage fruit tree orchards/nurseries, including figs and apples
- Essential oils and aromatics
Looking south across the Ecovillage, with the 3D Ag lots (each with its own water tank) in the foreground
We just can’t wait to see these fantastic properties evolve over time to become the organic food bowl of the Ecovillage and beyond.
Every 1 Ha 3D lot comes with an irrigation tank and a generous ECL dam water allowance that will accommodate all of these proposed uses, but it was agreed by all owners that best practice water conservation and drainage were going to be key elements of their lot designs, as required by their bylaws.
Visitors to the Ecovillage will have already seen that some 3D owners have begun to build their sheds and studios, and we should begin to see first crops planted next autumn. In the meantime, many of the owners are taking advantage of the excellent grazing skills of our miniature Baby Doll sheep flock and some local organic cows to keep their pasture down over the summer months.
Our last 1 ha Agricultural lot – a level block with convenient vehicle access to Mill Rd, has been reserved by a dynamic Ecovillage couple. However, don’t hesitate to put your name down if you could imagine your life here as an Ecovillage farmer or organic food producer, in case they don’t proceed, or to be notified if any resales come to market, as they are a truly unique offering.